+(619) 647-6582


AI Follow Up

Never Lose Another Lead, Or Customer Again


Never Lose Another Lead, Or Deal Again

Simple & Easy To Use

Why waste hours or even days trying to customize your own system? Sign up and start using it immediately.

Flexible Workflow

Know exactly what you need to be working on daily. Land Lead Manager helps you know exactly which stage of marketing & acquisitions all your prospects are at.

Track Results

Land Lead Manager's easy KPI tracking helps you nail your sales process down and always have a pulse on where you need to concentrate to grow.

Never miss a customer call

Answer calls without picking up the phone. Engage callers immediately by texting

answers to frequently asked questions in their voicemails.

Easy List Management

Stop wasting time organizing all your purchased property lists in countless spreadsheets. You need to treat your lists like gold and store it somewhere safe to keep it perfectly organized. Upload your lists within seconds, find duplicates, add tags and keep your property records organized for successful marketing campaigns.

  • Upload and append your lists
  • Add unlimited tags
  • Find duplicates
  • Search by APN
  • Quickly find properties
  • Create hot lists for your next marketing campaign

Your New Virtual Receptionist

Your new virtual receptionist

Receptionist answers calls when you're out of office, closed or just busy on the phone. All missed calls and voicemail transcriptions are delivered to you in a centralized inbox.

Simple Sales & Marketing Pipeline

It's time for no lead to be left behind. The name of the game is efficiency and consistency so let's make sure you know where each marketing campaign your prospects are at and where each lead stands in your sales pipeline. Land Lead Manager's visual and intuitive design makes pipeline management simple for anyone. No need to get technical and complicated. Use our default layout perfect for any investor or customize the statuses to match your workflows.

Efficient KPI Tracking

You can't hit your goals if you don't know if you're on target. Land Lead Manager helps you track your most important metrics so you know where in sales you need to push the metal to the metal.

Always have a pulse on:

  • Prospects
  • Leads
  • Follow Ups
  • Offers Sent
  • Offers Closed
  • Your teams conversion percentage

Know Who Called You

Always be in the know

See every caller’s conversation history before responding.

Detailed Property Info

It's always good to know all of your leads info before sending an offer. Ditch the sticky notes and keep all of your record details in one spot.

  • Owner of Record
  • Property Information
  • Property Value
  • Owner's Valuation
  • Offer Terms
  • Transaction Information

90% of homeowners who call you and don't get an answer, won’t call back. Ever.

World Class In-House

Sales Agents

Be on top of your prospects and leads communication. Let our In-House team of sales agents deploy your cold calling campaigns, receive inbound calls from mailers/postcards and follow up with hot leads to qualify them for you. What makes are agents different from your typical VA is that our agents are trained specifically in real estate and sales by a real estate investor. Saving you time so you can concentrate on what you do best, closing deals.

Land Lead Manager Support

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