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About Us

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Land Lead Manager was built specifically for land investors by land investors.

Our goal is to help you build or scale a profitable land investing business. Whether you are brand new to the game by yourself or a seasonal investor with a team. We wanted to create a product and service that can provide the best value no matter what level you are at with your business.

We've seen too many investors time and time again spend too much time and money trying to use or build a system for their land business that ended up never working.

At the end of the day, simplicity and consistency is what helps you scale a business. So we decided to build a tool specifically for land investors to cut out the noise and headaches. Making it affordable and easy to use.

We Specialize

in Reviews & Messaging For Local Business

CHATT's goal is to help small businesses engage with their customer's quicker & easier to improve overall customer experience to help everyone grow.

Land Lead Manager Support

Copyright Land Lead Manager 2021 -- All Rights Reserved

We’re on a mission to build a better future where technology creates good jobs for everyone.